Hello, I'm

Jibran Advani

Auditor — Fullstack Developer

Technologies I've worked with

HTMLpug, ejs

About Me

Picture of Jibran Advani

Who am I?

A dynamic and bilingual professional with the educational background and proven work ethic to guide and support software/front-end development, web development, and more. I have start coding professionally, as freelancer, since 2019 and I have been producing decent-quality code, with the skill set to analyze complex information, manage key projects, efficiently resolve issues, and deliver outstanding digital experiences. Out-of-the-box thinker who is comfortable working in teams or independently to ensure solutions consistently meet or exceed business goals. Strong training and academic qualifications, including Zero to Mastery Academy Bootcamp.

Name:  Jibran Advani

Languages:  ENG / URDU

Location:  Dubai — UAE

Freelancing:  Available


Side Programmer

This is the live blog that I have coded and currently maintaining. The blog is about various tech topics which range from front-end to back-end.

Technologies used

Next JSTailwind CSSContentful CMS


This is the landing page of a fictional company that offers tours. The project is front-end only and is built in order to learn Sass and advanced CSS concepts as part of an online course.

Technologies used


Theme Toggle

This is the landing page of a fictional company that offers software development and design services. The project is front-end only and is built in order to learn Javascript concepts and to learn the theme change effect on a website.

Technologies used


Text to Speech

This is the page that is built in order to learn how to perform text to speech using Javascript on the website.

Technologies used


Picture in Picture

This project is built in order to learn how to understand the picture in picture API of the browser. This project only works on chrome.

Technologies used


Contact Me

I'd be really happy to take on new projects and deliver them to the best of my ability. If interested, please contact me at:
